Planning and Approvals

Project Status

Cubico has been studying the wind resource at the site since early 2023.

Cubico is working with landowners, Traditional Owners and the Western Downs Regional Council to install a Met Mast (wind monitoring device) to further our wind monitoring.

The project has recently moved from the feasibility stage to the planning and approvals stage, which will take between two and four years. Specialist studies into matters such as cultural heritage, transport, noise, shadow flicker, ecology (fauna and flora), surface and ground water, visual amenity, social and aviation are being undertaken.

Our early environmental studies show that the site has limited native vegetation. Environmental studies will continue and inform project design for our planning and environmental approvals applications.

Cubico is committed to working with the community to help shape this project. We have been meeting with residents, community groups and other stakeholders and will continue to engage with the local community. 

Key activities in wind farm development include:

  • Wind monitoring
  • Energy modelling
  • Feasibility studies
  • Grid connection impact study
  • Site investigations
  • Consultation with government, communities and industry
  • Establishing agreements with landowners
  • Planning and environmental studies and approvals
  • Design of wind farm and ancillary infrastructure
  • Design of road upgrades
  • Transport route planning
  • Investment decision and raising equity to fund the project
  • Procurement of contractors and turbines


Contact our team if you have any questions about the project.

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